Carter Release Notes

November 7, 2024 - Carter Web 2.12.0 & Carter Mobile 2.9.10

What's New

Carter Web


  • Updated calendar for Contact Events. (3411)
  • Updated requirements for Participants and Locations when creating new contacts. (3410)


  • For OEO Retailers, technicians can be assigned to multiple orders for the same date and time without encountering errors. (3481)
  • Account Managers will automatically be added as an Order Resource for any order in their district. (3398)
  • Orders can be imported in batch using a CSV file. (3393)


  • Added UPC column to the Products table. (3521, 3504)


  • Order history is now color coded based on status. (3288)


  • Added Employee Number to the Technicians table. (3520, 3503)
  • Absences will now display in the technicians local time zone. (3305)


  • Added Employee Number to the Users table. (3520, 3503)
  • Belize has been added as a country option for users. (3476)
  • Update to the role filter in the user table. (3414)
  • Users can now be deactivated. (3243)

Carter Mobile

My Work Day

  • Vendor Invoice Number will automatically be generated and shown on the summary screen of an order. (3524)
  • Confirmation popup no longer displays after scanning a UPC/Barcode. (3483)
  • Summary page now shows all headings collapsed by default. (3461)


  • New question types for order questionnaire. (3443, 3426, 3416, 3415)
    • Information Only
    • Multi Option - Single Selection
    • Multi Option - Multi Selection
    • Numeric
  • Specific questions can now be assigned to beginning, during and end of an order. (3338)
  • Display of specific questions can now be conditional on the answer of a previous question. (3337)

What's Fixed

Carter Web


  • When changing months in the contact events calendar, the selected date will no longer be cleared. (3413)
  • Users can now create a contact event that occurred in the past. (3412)
  • UI Improvements to Contact Events. (3409, 3391)


  • Fixed an issue where Pre-Order Check questions were not displaying. (3515)
  • Order Photos will now properly save and delete. (3495)


  • Fixed an issue where the menu was not refreshing when switching between add and edit store contact. (3423)
  • Users will no longer receive an error when creating a new store with a name that already exists for a different retailer. (2133)


  • Technician contact information will now save after updating. (3355)
  • Technicians will no longer be marked as late after past orders are rescheduled to the future. (3333)

Carter Mobile

My Work Day

  • Fixed an issue where scanning the NAI Barcode resulted in the app freezing. (3569)
  • Correct rates are now displayed for CVP repairs. (3558, 3542)
  • Fixed an issue where users were not able to scan or add pre-approved products. (3556)
  • UI and functionality improvements to the order questionnaire. (3516, 3514, 3510, 3419, 3417, 3396)
  • Fixed an issue where users were getting stuck trying to scroll in the order summary. (3496)
  • Improvements to the UI of the order summary page. (3460, 3434, 3334)
  • Order Resources are now sorted alphabetically. (3458)
  • Users will no longer receive an error messages when exiting repairs when no repairs were added. (3390)
  • Users will be able to attach photos to orders without receiving an error message. (3354)
  • Fixed an issue when scanning UPC-A barcodes. (3307)


  • Users will receive push notifications when new orders are assigned to them. (3486)
  • Users will receive push notifications to inform them of when they should be leaving for an order. (3486)


  • Attached photos now sending properly when submitting feedback using the Feedback Form. (3352)

September 20, 2024 - Carter Web 2.11.1 & Carter Mobile 2.9.6

What's New

Carter Web

  • CVP Repairs and Totals are displayed in the Order Summary. (3332)
  • Improved column sorting within the Orders module. (2339)

Carter Mobile

  • Added APT QR Code to summary screen. (3342)

What's Fixed

Carter Web


  • An expired user session will now result in a full user logout. (3381)


  • Order count now correctly updating for users with multiple regions and districts. (3395)
  • Fixed an issue where orders were being saved even though a scheduling conflict was present. (3330)
  • Order Status cards now update without the need to refresh the browser page. (3281)


  • System will now correctly update a user's permission after their role is changed. (3377)


  • Technicians will no longer be permitted to log in after their termination date, if one is present in their profile. (3306)

Carter Mobile

My Work Day

  • Fixed an issue where multiple instances of the same were being created after selecting Save & Continue. (3400)
  • Improved warning/error messages when scanning QR codes. (3366)
  • Fixed an issue which caused the order status to show the incorrect color badge. (3365)


  • Feedback Form now correctly shows the username for all newly created technicians. (3404)
  • An expired user session will now result in a full user logout. (3381)
  • Improvements made to photo attachment in the Feedback Form.

September 6, 2024 - Carter Web 2.11.0 & Carter Mobile 2.9.5

What's New

Carter Web

  • Users Module
    • Ability to manage all aspects of user management for Carter, dependent on user permissions.
      • View all users (2341)
      • Create new users (3367)
      • Archive/Unarchive users (2349, 2350)
      • View/Edit user contact information (2343, 2344)
      • View/Edit user emergency contact information (2345, 2346)
      • View/Edit user region/district assignments (2347, 2348)
  • Fees can now be specified with a maximum quantity. (3289)
  • CVP pricing for repairs. (3266)

Carter Mobile

  • Improved error messages when searching in repairs. (3357)
  • Users will now see the last added item at the top of the worksheet. (3351)
  • Order questionnaire will now automatically save entries when a user switches to a different tab.(3336)
  • Repairs can now have optional photos and remarks. (3313)
  • Update to order lifecycle stages. (3294)
  • Fees can now be specified with a maximum quantity. (3289)
  • CVP pricing for repairs. (3266)

What's Fixed

Carter Web


  • Fixed an issue where order status was not being correctly updated after a technician update. (3353)

Carter Mobile

My Work Day

  • Users are no longer able to swipe down on the pause screen to hide it. (3359)
  • Products that have been added to pre-approved categories can now be used in Repairs while they are pending approval. (3321)
  • Repair search window now fits the entire screen. (3296)
  • Fixed an issue where actual earnings were not updated after an item was removed from the worksheet. (3230)
  • Improvements to UPC scanning. (3146)

August 22, 2024 - Carter Web 2.10.0 & Carter Mobile 2.9.4

What's New

Carter Web

  • Orders are now color coded based on their current lifecycle status in the Order History tab of the Stores module. (3288)
  • Technician Absence screen will now show the number of No-Shows. (3152)

Carter Mobile

  • Users will now receive an error message when trying to scan unapproved items in the Repairs module. Unapproved items (3292)

What's Fixed

Carter Web


  • Fixed an issue which caused orders to not save when a technician was assigned. (3326)
  • Fixed an issue where the category totals were not showing the correct values on the Order Summary screen. (3249)


  • When a users session expires, the Email address will be populated correctly at the login screen. (3291)

Carter Mobile

My Work Day

  • Fees can now only be added to a worksheet once. To add the same fee multiple times the user must change the quantity in the worksheet instead of adding the fee again. (3324)
  • Fixed an issue where selecting the Tools Required icon multiple times caused multiple windows to pop up. (3299)
  • Updates made to UPC scanning to fix issues where technicians were unable to scan known good UPC codes. (3297)


  • Geolocation push notifications are no longer being truncated. (2506)

August 6, 2024 - Carter Web 2.9.10 & Carter Mobile 2.9.3

What's New

Carter Web

  • Order Summary will now break down repairs by type of repair and display the associated count. (3276)
  • Technician certifications are available within the technicians and orders modules. (3190, 3189, 3188)
  • Refresh icon added to the Stores and Products modules. (3183)
  • Order Schedule tab will show when a technician has been marked as a No-Show. (3150)
  • Improved calendar for selecting technician absences. (3143)

Carter Mobile

  • Users will now see previously scheduled absences when creating or editing an absence. (3267)
  • Summary now displays repair sub-categories along with counts. (3258)
  • Users are now able to update product information for continued repairs. (3216)

What's Fixed

Carter Web


  • Fixed an issue where the scheduled date and time are removed when moving an order back to Ready to Schedule. (3280)
  • Improved the user interface when adding a store contact within the orders screen. (3277, 3053)
  • Pre-Order Check is now correctly saving when moving between tabs for an order. (3272)
  • Fixed an issue which caused store contacts to be displayed incorrectly. (3271)
  • When items are removed from an order on the web they now correctly update in the app. (3179)


  • Updated information required when creating a store contact. (3194)

Carter Mobile

My Work Day

  • When continuing a repair the information will no longer be collapsed automatically. (3268)
  • Order History now showing correct earnings. (3264)
  • Users will no longer be able to add multiple repairs for the same product in the worksheet. (3255)
  • Fixed an issue the caused users to receive the message 'Cannot Start Order' when starting an order. (3234)
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the same NAI barcode to be added to multiple product repairs. (3222)

July 22, 2024 - Carter Web 2.9.9 & Carter Mobile 2.9.2

What's New

Carter Web

  • Questionnaire photos are now displayed in order summary. (3047)
  • Managers receive a notification when a technician absence is requested. (3115)

Carter Mobile

  • Technicians are now able to complete with a major repair once parts have arrived. (3207, 3206, 3204, 3015)
  • Technician will receive a notification informing them of a minimum wage pull up. (3113)
  • Technician will receive a notification informing them that they received a No Show. (3153)

What's Fixed

Carter Mobile


  • Fixed an issue where users were experiencing an error message when entering quantities for a fee. (3202)
  • Fixed error where form closes during Repair creation. (3198)
  • Warning confirmation on Repair type update (3233)
  • Allow alphanumeric values when manually entering QR code. (3254)
  • Ability to start repair from New Assembly (3253)


  • Fixed grey screen error when accessing settings. (3124)

July 9, 2024 - Carter Web 2.9.8 & Carter Mobile 2.9.1

What's New

Carter Mobile

  • Repairs
    • Technicians will now be able to add repairs to their items within the order worksheet. (3089, 3088, 3013)
    • Work History has been updated to display repairs. (3176)
    • Summary tab has been updated to display repairs. (3175)

What's Fixed

Carter Web


  • Fixed the modal title when creating a new product. (3122)


  • Notifications module will display the Inbox when the browser is refreshed. (3110)
  • Notifications can now be moved successfully between custom folders and the inbox multiple times. (3109)


  • Fixed an issue where the calendar was not opening when selecting a date for an order. (3127)
  • Fixed the modal title when creating a new order. (3065)
  • Technicians availability status is now correctly updated when an order is finished ahead of schedule, they are now able to be assigned to additional orders. (3058)
  • When an order is in Ready for Billing the order description will now be scrollable from the order info window. (3052)


  • Fixed the modal title when creating a new product. (3121)
  • Fixed an issue where filtering the fees table gave incorrect results. (3085)


  • Filtering stores with 'main phone does not exist' now gives correct results. (2865)


  • User will now receive be informed when there are no items to display when expanding the absence types in the absences tab of a technician's profile. (3147, 3128)
  • Various UI improvements. (3140, 3139, 3133, 3131, 3105)
  • Default start time when creating an absence is now 8:00 am local time. (3134)
  • Fixed an issue where the calendar was not opening when selecting a start or end date when adding a technician absence. (3132)
  • Cancel button is no longer missing when reporting an absence in a technician's profile. (3130)
  • User will now receive an error message if they select a start time that is later than the end time when creating a technician absence. (3129)
  • Fixed the modal title when creating a new technician. (3123)
  • Fixed an issue where users with an absence type of Sick appear as On Vacation. (3106)
  • Emergency Contact is now optional. (2995)
  • Fixed an issue where filtering technicians by region and district was giving incorrect results when using the 'not equals' operator. (2862)

Carter Mobile

My Profile

  • User will now receive be informed when there are no items to display when expanding the absence types in the absences tab. (3147)
  • Various UI Improvements to the Absences tab. (3137, 3136)
  • Emergency Contact is now optional. (2995)

My Work Day

  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to scan a barcode after successfully scanning a different barcode. (2755)
  • When selecting a push notification for a new order assignment Carter will now open with the newly assigned order displayed. (2751)
  • Fixed an issue for android users where the Close button for an order description was not displaying. (2505)
  • Required tools list will now update correctly when an item is removed from the order using Carter Web. (2498)

June 19, 2024 - Carter Web 2.9.6 & Carter Mobile 2.8.5

What's New

Carter Web

  • Applying a district filter will result in the associated region filter applying as well. (3081)
  • Current Order Status counts now show the filters being applied by hovering over the information icon. (3075)

Carter Mobile

  • Users are no longer required to select the service type when an item is added to the worksheet. (3090)

What's Fixed

Carter Web


  • When creating an order, the product selection is now sorted alphabetically. (3048)
  • Fixed an issue where users were able to create new orders for times that occurred in the past. (985)


  • Fixed an issue where entering information for a store contact made that field required and the user was unable to remove the information. (2577)
  • Users are no longer able to switch between tabs when creating a new store. (2127)


  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to add new product categories and were encountering the error 'Category name already exists.' (2921)


  • When selecting a folder from the drop down selection, the current folder will no longer be listed in the drop down. (2536)
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to archive folders. (2530)

Carter Mobile

My Work Day

  • Fixed an issue where audio playing on a device stops after scanning an item. (3055)
  • When adding a store contact from within an order the First and Last name are now the only required fields. (3032)

My Profile

  • Changing between tabs in My Profile no longer results in an automatic update. (2699)
  • Fixed a display issue with the New Password error message. (2463)


  • Users no longer encounter an error when trying to send notifications to multiple recipients. (2535)
  • User Interface Updates (2517)

June 6, 2024 - Carter Web 2.9.5 & Carter Mobile 2.8.4

What's New

Carter Web

  • Fees (2883)
    • Add New Fee
    • Edit Existing Fee
  • New question type for order questionnaire: Photo (3001)

Carter Mobile

  • New question type for order questionnaire: Photo (3001)

Carter API

  • Hourly Rate Pull-Up (Minimum Wage/Hourly Employees) (1982)
  • Performance Improvements (2820, 2819, 2818, 2798, 2704)

What's Fixed

Carter Web


  • Users are now able to filter orders by date created in the Ready to Schedule table. (2947)


  • After a store is archived, the window is now refreshed with the option to unarchive or delete the store. (2864)
  • After a store is unarchived, the window is now refreshed with the option to archive the store. (2864)
  • After a store is deleted, the window will close automatically. (2864)


  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to paste a UPC when adding a new product. (2679)


  • After a contact is archived, the window is now refreshed with the option to unarchive or delete the contact. (2864)
  • After a contact is unarchived, the window is now refreshed with the option to archive the contact. (2864)
  • After a contact is deleted, the window will close automatically. (2864)


  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to move notifications from the inbox to a different folder. (2869)
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to reply to notifications in the inbox after viewing sent notifications. (2868)


  • Various performance improvements. (2737, 2736, 2734)
  • Fixed an issue where filtering by a region adding a district filter would show all districts and not only the districts for the filtered region. (2426)

Carter Mobile

My Work Day

  • Products with long names no longer block the QR code icon when being displayed in the worksheet. (2406)
  • Fixed an issue where selecting the Turn-Away button and then cancelling caused a grey error message to appear on the screen. (2137)

My Profile

  • When adding an absence the end date is no longer changed after selecting a start date. (3026)
  • Menu items no longer disappear after a users updates information in My Profile. (3017)


  • Fixed an issue causing notifications to disappear from the Sent folder. (2870)
  • Notifications are no updating automatically after they have been moved or archived. (2697)

May 24, 2024 - Carter Web 2.9.4 & Carter Mobile 2.8.3

What's New

Carter Web

  • Users can now go to previous tabs when creating orders. (2831)
  • Row Numbers have been added to tables. (2807)
  • The time selection in Order Scheduling is now searchable. (2849)
  • Contacts can now be added from within the Create Order module. (2936)
  • Store Contacts can be edited in the Stores module. (2964)
  • Multi-Technician Order Update (2963, 2964, 2974, 2979)
  • Phone Numbers are now automatically formatted when entered. (2991)

Carter Mobile

  • Technician Absences (2770, 2772, 2773, 2774, 2775)
  • Fees (2884, 2885, 2886, 2971, 2990)
  • Multi-Technician Order Update (2962, 2965, 3010)
  • Manual QR Code Entry (2776)
  • Phone Numbers are now automatically formatted when entered. (2991)

What's Fixed

Carter Web


  • Various UI updates to improve user experience. (2724)
  • Users can now select the date when filtering on the Orders table. (2856)
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to remove technicians from orders in the 'Awaiting Technician Acknowledgement' status. (2931)
  • Fixed an issue where items listed in an order were not sorting properly. (2917)
  • Fixed an issue where the default start time needed to be re-selected in order to assign a technician to an order. (2951)
  • Users are now able to properly filter based on Technician. (2986)


  • Date of Birth is no longer a required field. (2661)


  • Addressed performance issues when viewing store information. (2705)


  • Fixed an issue causing all products to not load in the Scanned Products tab. (2718)


  • First and last names are required for all contacts. (2512)
  • Multiple contacts can now be marked as the 'Main Contact'. (2514)
  • Fixed an issue where not all stores within a users region were displayed when creating a new contact. (2783)


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Reply button to disappear after viewing sent notifications. (2980)
  • Notifications that contain single or double quotations now send without issue. (2982)


  • Search filters are no longer case sensitive. (2427)

Carter Mobile

My Work Day

  • Fixed an issue where technicians were unable to update special requests. (2592)
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in no products being listed when trying to search for an item in the worksheet tab. (2920)
  • Users are now able to select a photo and see the full image caption. (2937)
  • Potential earnings are now updated when an item is removed from the worksheet. (2939)
  • Store notes are now showing the correct time stamp. (2946)
  • Fixed an issue where scanning an item was only looking up the UPC table and not the SKU table. (2949)
  • Users are now able to update special requests that have special characters. (2967)

Product Management

  • Fixed multiple issues that resulted in users being unable to add new products. (2720)


  • Fixed issues when sending and receiving notifications. (2518, 2533)
  • Fixed an issue causing push notifications for new orders and ETA reminders to not be sent to technicians. (2981)
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