Add Contact

The following steps explain how to add contacts.

  1. Login to Carter CRM using your username and password.


  2. Click Contacts in the administration menu on the left.

  3. Click + Add New Contact.

  4. On the Contact Info tab enter the Last Name, First Name, Title, Retailer, and Store for the new contact.

  5. Click on +Add Phone and the phone number and phone type for the contact. Then click +Add Email to add the contact's email address. Then click Save.

  6. On the Notes tab add any notes relevant to the contact then click on the blue arrow to add the note.

  7. Click on the Events tab then click on +Create to create a new contact event. Enter the Subject, Event Type, Date & Time, Participants, and Location. Then click Save Event.

  8. The new contact event will now appear on the contact record.

  9. Click Close. The new contact will now be available for use.

Only users with appropriate account permissions can add contacts. If you are unable to complete this function please contact your Account Manager or Administrator.

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