Create An Order

The following steps explain how to create an order in Carter.

  1. Login to Carter using your username and password.

  2. Click Orders in the administration menu on the left.

  3. Click + Add New Order.

  4. Enter order information on the Info tab. Include retailer, store, store contact, and order description. Then click Save & Continue.

    You can also add a store contact by clicking the + New Store Contact button. Enter the new contact's last name, first name, title, phone number, and email address, indicate as a main contact person for the order, then click Save.

  5. On the Items tab, Add Items to the order. First, select the item category from the dropdown list, then add the item. Input the quantity. Then click Save & Continue.

  6. On the Spec Req tab Add a Special Request to the order. Type in the title and description, then click +Add Special Request. The special request will appear below in the Special Request(s) table below. When all special requests have been added click Save & Continue.

  7. In the Pre-Order Check tab indicate if the items are pulled, then select if the order has been confirmed and who it was confirmed with from the dropdown menu. Then, indicate if the workspace is Clean and Ready for the Technician, provide an Assembly Location, indicate which Manager the order has been checked in with, and verify the Product Quantity. Then click Save & Continue.

  8. On the Schedule tab select the desired Date and Time of the order. Then assign an available Technician which are displayed by proximity. Then click +Add Technician to add them to the order. Repeat these steps to add multiple technicians to an order. Then click Save.

  9. The newly created order will now appear under the Awaiting Technician tab. If a technician was not assigned, the order will appear under the Ready to Schedule tab.

Only users with appropriate account permissions may create an order. If you are unable to complete this function please contact your Account Manager or Administrator.

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